Saturday, April 11, 2015

Boycott Butterfinger!

The Nestle Corporation is involved with dirty deeds all across the planet. 

We start with the Palestine – Israel connection; however, the reasons we boycott are not limited to the issues in the Holy Land alone.


Nestle, Palestine, and Israel

Nestle is the beneficiary of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and has been praised for its support of Israel’s apartheid regime which is documented at the link below, right under the heading “First on our boycott list . . .”

Nestle is heavily invested in Israel’s apartheid economy.  A very thorough analysis is available here:

Nestle’s relationship with Osem Investments Ltd. is worth taking a closer look at.  Osem is one of the largest food manufacturers and distributors in Israel. The group is majority owned (51%) by NestlĂ©. 

Nestle’s investment in Osem and their history makes interesting reading: 

As you read about Nestle and Osem’s history, you will notice the mention of the factory at Sderot in the year 1995.  Sderot was built on ethnically cleansed Palestinian land:

In that same history, in the year 2006 you will see the town, Yokneam, mentioned, which is also spelled Yoqneam.  This is the site of another one of Nestle – Osem’s factories. The theft of land and the violent removal of Palestinians from this area is documented on page 79 of ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine,’ by Ilan Pappe.


More Reasons to Boycott

Nestle profits from child and slave labor, water resource raiding, and formula marketing that kills babies.  Learn more under the heading, “Documentation and More Information:”

As if all the above isn’t enough, you will find even more reasons to boycott at the link below. Be sure to check out the comments section as well.  The section on Alternatives will please chocolate lovers.  While it is focused on chocolate milk, you will also find information on making your own chocolate candy—which is amazingly quick and easy:



Please see our complete boycott list:


Boycott for Peace! 

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1 comment:

  1. Boycotting the large corporations isn't just better for Palestine and for Peace. It is better for workers and for economic systems all over the planet.

    " 'Workers are more productive. Their labor is creating record profits. But they’re not benefitting.' Who does benefit? In 2013, reported that the average CEO made 295 times the average worker, although it’s unlikely that they did 295 times the work. In 1978, that figure was just 29.9."

    Poverty is created by large predatory corporations!

    Highlight and right click the URL to open the article.
