Monday, March 23, 2015

Broken Rainbow

Academy Award Winning Documentary

"Land is the center of life to Native People." 


"It's almost as if they have lost a portion of their souls

when they can no longer return to that land."

Evocative storytelling weaves the ancient history of Navajo and Hopi homelands with traditional mythology and current tribal culture.  Historical archival photos, news footage, current events, and interviews round out the presentation. The collision between profit seeking corporations empowered by governmental forces with traditional lifestyles is well illustrated and touches the very core of what it is to be human.

Palestinian parallels include home demolitions, the destruction of culturally important trees and plants, removal of the Indigenous people from the land for the economic benefit of corporations and the colonizer/settlers, and finally being fenced out of their own land with no compensation.

"There is no word for relocation in the Navajo language."


Available by request from your local library or where ever you  normally rent movies.  You can also watch on-line at the link:


All quotes are from the DVD.


Check out our other recommended DVDs:


Participate!  If you know of other  DVDs covering home demolitions,  tree destruction, relocation, removal, or ethnic cleansing of other Indigenous People in any part of the world, please tell us about them in comments.  We may be able to feature your recommendations in up-coming posts.  Or, if you like, prepare a blurb similar to what we have done here, and if we are able to use it--you will get a by-line which you can use as a publication credit.  Plus you will be helping educate others about the plights of Indigenous People everywhere.


Boycott for Peace!


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1 comment:

  1. Academy Award Winning Documentary

    "Land is the center of life to Native People."

    "It's almost as if they have lost a portion of their souls when they can no longer return to that land."
