The world hungers for sustainability, and yet we rarely seem
to find it. Meanwhile, we have an
ancient and living model of sustainability within our reach. Struggling to exist in the cradle of
civilization, is a culture that has tended the land gently for thousands of
years. (1) Steadfast families
still live in small villages, surrounded by fields, orchards, grazing lands,
and woodlands that together supply nearly all the people’s needs. But the world, rather than flocking to learn
these ancient lessons of sustainability has turned its back. These families, this land, suffers under
grave and violent threat. (2)
The photo is of a young man working in his family's field in
the Palestinian village of Artas, famous for its Romaine Lettuce. (3)
Israeli restrictions on travel to and within Palestine make it difficult or impossible
for people to come to buy and trade from the source as they did decades ago. (4)
Israel also controls all Palestinian business, the movement and sale of goods
within Palestine, as well as imports and exports. (5) This imperiled ancient culture needs our
protection. We hope that the more you
learn, the more you will care.
(1) The ancient
history of this culture is well documented. “ . . . a Neolithic agricultural civilization arose . . . perhaps as early as 7000 BC
. . . " E.O. James, Archeologist:
(2) To learn about the on-going threat facing these
families, we recommend the movie, ‘5 Broken Cameras:’
(3) Photo from Wikimedia Commons:,_West_Bank,_Palestine.jpg
(4) Scroll down to ‘For
More Information,’ to learn more about the travel restrictions that Israel
imposes on Palestinians:
(5) ‘Israel’s Predatory Economics,’ are covered here: Be sure to read the article in comments as
Be the Change!
The oppression and colonization of Palestine has been going
on for over 60 years. Powerful countries
have failed to come to the aid of the Palestinian people, because what is being
done to them is of benefit to large wealthy corporations. It is up to us to be the change. Please explore our boycott list to see how
you may be supporting the erasure of traditional sustainable practices from the
Holy Land:
We also encourage you to take additional nonviolent action in any large or small
ways you can. We have a list of letter
writing campaigns and petitions you can sign, and we are starting to share
other more involved actions as well. Whether
you have a few minutes or a few weeks, months, or years—there is something you
can do! Check our blog every Thursday for calls to action: Quick actions are also very easy to find:
Thank you! It is up
to us to create the kind of world we want to live in!
Boycott for Peace would like to feature an article or meme
about Palestinian sustainable practices at least a few times a year or even
once a month. We need your help to do
this. If you find articles that address Palestinian sustainable practices be
sure to share them with us. If you live
in or visit Palestine and can take photos and notes relating to traditional
food production, we can help you polish them up and present them to the
public. The wisdom we all need to
survive is being imperiled. Let’s let
the world know!
Boycott for Peace!
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Settlers burn Palestinian farms near Ramallah, 6.25.15:
Highlight and then right-click URL to read the article.
"So precious is Battir (in Palestine), ecologically, that the Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) have joined with Battir villagers to oppose the building of the separation wall which would cut right through this terraced landscape."