Quick Action: Petition to Stop the Militarization of Police
"In the United States, “Ferguson” — the name of the town where unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was shot to death by a police officer last August — has become a shorthand name for the free reign given to police to murder black people in the streets (and parks, stores, even their own homes) with impunity.
"At the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as
Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the
Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes with impunity.
"One commonality faced by folks in struggle from
Ferguson to Palestine is the all-too-frequent refusal to recognize their
oppression as oppression." From http://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/rhetoric-ferguson-palestine
This oppression is made possible in Palestine by Israel's disregard for international law, as discussed here: http://boycott4peace.blogspot.com/2014/11/just-facts.html And by the United States continually vetoing United Nations resolutions against Israel for its treatment of Palestinians: http://guardian.150m.com/palestine/UN-condemnation-of-israel.htm
In the United States this oppression is very much supported by the militarization of our police forces. This is accomplished in part, by the transfer of "excess military equipment to law enforcement agencies." This equipment includes items such as grenade launchers and other military weapons, ammunition, and armored vehicles. These transfers have essentially turned a number of police departments into small armies, armies whose only enemies are the citizens of the United States.
Most of our efforts here on Boycott for Peace are directed towards freeing Palestine, and we anticipate that will continue in the future, however we visit other Peace, Freedom, and Justice movements from time to time. This petition is to stop the transfer of military weapons to domestic police departments here in the U.S.. This transfer is known as the 1033 program.
Thank you! We are the change!
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In the United States, “Ferguson” — the name of the town where unarmed
black teenager Michael Brown was shot to death by a police officer last
August — has become a shorthand name for the free reign given to police
to murder black people in the streets (and parks, stores, even their own homes) with impunity.
At the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/rhetoric-ferguson-palestine#sthash.GBxYPLLx.dpufAt the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
In the United States, “Ferguson” — the name of the town where unarmed
black teenager Michael Brown was shot to death by a police officer last
August — has become a shorthand name for the free reign given to police
to murder black people in the streets (and parks, stores, even their own homes) with impunity.
At the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/rhetoric-ferguson-palestine#sthash.GBxYPLLx.dpufAt the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
In the United States, “Ferguson” — the name of the town where unarmed
black teenager Michael Brown was shot to death by a police officer last
August — has become a shorthand name for the free reign given to police
to murder black people in the streets (and parks, stores, even their own homes) with impunity.
At the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/rhetoric-ferguson-palestine#sthash.GBxYPLLx.dpufAt the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
In the United States, “Ferguson” — the name of the town where unarmed
black teenager Michael Brown was shot to death by a police officer last
August — has become a shorthand name for the free reign given to police
to murder black people in the streets (and parks, stores, even their own homes) with impunity.
At the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/rhetoric-ferguson-palestine#sthash.GBxYPLLx.dpufAt the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
In the United States, “Ferguson” — the name of the town where unarmed
black teenager Michael Brown was shot to death by a police officer last
August — has become a shorthand name for the free reign given to police
to murder black people in the streets (and parks, stores, even their own homes) with impunity.
At the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/rhetoric-ferguson-palestine#sthash.GBxYPLLx.dpufAt the same time as Brown was murdered, the world watched as Israel was given free reign to murder Palestinian people in the streets of the Gaza Strip (and beaches, cafes, hospitals, even their own homes) with impunity.
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